Quick-closing valves (decoupling)

Technical specifications

Protection class files/Schnellschluss-Schieber/ex.png II 1/- Dc TX -10°C ≤ Ta ≤ 40°C
files/Schnellschluss-Schieber/ex.png II 1/3 Dc TX -10°C ≤ Ta ≤ 40°C
Connection: Flange pursuant to DIN EN 1092-1 Form A, drilled according to PN10 or ASA 150 lbs. (further such as JIS on request)
Temperature: -10°C up to 100°C
Compressive strength: Flame-propagation-proof and pressure-shock-proof up to 10 bar (certified pursuant to ATEX)
Propulsion medium: Compressed air from the factory compressed air supply with an operating pressure of 6 bar
Closing times: < 50 msec
Housing material: Silumin, stainless steel
Options Sealing over double O-ring system, liner or else pipe use in 1.4571


The quick-closing valve is a component for a system of protection.
In the event of an incident, the gate closes within milliseconds, thereby avoiding possible secondary explosions.

The Kammerer-quick-closing valve is used in various industries, e.g. chemicals, pharmaceuticals, energy, food industry, automotive industry, wood industry, R&D etc.

In the case of interest, we look forward to your inquiry.

Download material can be found here.

DN (mm) Building length (mm) Building height (mm) Flange
Flange thickness
Connection dimensions
(drilled acc. to PN10)
time in ms
(deviations of
+/- 0.2 to 2 are
in kg
for silumin
L L1 L2 H h ø D b ø d Z x Gew ø K
50 734 327 147 120 53 165 18 18 4xM16 125 23,4 22
65 806 364 174 120 53 185 18 18 4xM16 145 23,4 24
80 945 437 223 120 53 200 16 18 8xM16 160 24 26
100 1123 472 230 120 53 220 17 18 8xM16 180 24,8 30
125 1240 576 286 150 53 270 20 18 8xM16 210 40,1 35
150 1365 626 307 120 53 285 19 22 8xM20 240 27,7 38
200 1640 791 384 150 58 340 21 22 8xM20 295 35,1 50
Diameter (inch) Building length (inch) Building height (inch) Flange
Flange thickness
Connection dimensions
(drilled acc. to ASA 150 lbs.)
time in ms
(deviations of
+/- 0.2 to 2
in lbs for
L L1 L2 H h ø D b ø d (inch) Z x thread
(inch) / [UNC]
ø K (inch)
2 29 13 6 5 2.1 6.5 0.71 0.71 4 ⅝“ 4 23.4 48.50
2.5 32 14 7 5 2.1 7.3 0.71 0.71 4 ⅝“ 5 23.4 52.91
3 37 17 8 5 2.1 7.9 0.62 0.71 4 ⅝“ 6 24 57.32
4 44 19 9 5 2.1 8.7 0.67 0.71 8 ¾“ 7 24.8 66.14
5 49 23 11 6 2.1 10.6 0.79 0.71 8 ¾“ 8 40.1 74.96
6 54 25 12 5 2.1 11.2 0.75 0.87 8 ¾“ 9 27.7 83.78
8 65 31 15 6 2.3 13.4 0.82 0.87 8 ¾“ 11 35.1 110.23

As of DN 400 on request against individual certificate.